In the coming days, Twin City Lab will accompany Ivano-Frankivsk on the way to a new city partnership. For a long time, the city has been working on expanding its international network. Now it will be supported by Twin City Lab in the form of an ideation and strategy workshop.
Ivano-Frankivsk is a regional center in Western Ukraine with a long history, ancient traditions, exceptional urban life, dynamic economy, and innovative projects in the field of urban development.
The city actively cooperates within a wide range of international programs and projects. Ivano-Frankivsk is currently looking for a twinning city in Germany to establish sustainable relations through various projects. The city’s goal is to share its experience as well as to get the experience of a German partner.
The Department of Investment Policy, Projects, International Relations and City Promotion has invited Twin City Lab to Ivano-Frankivsk to conduct a workshop, the main task of which is to develop a strategy for finding a partner city in Germany.
For this purpose, the TCL team will spend a few days in the city, visit strategic projects, meet with key stakeholders and initiatives, but also get to know problem areas of the city to better understand the situation on the ground. In the course of two workshops with representatives of different sectors, initiatives and the city administration, topics relevant to cooperation will be elicited and ideas generated and then molded into a joint strategy for finding and initiating suitable partnerships.