Project Details

Healthcare project Salute-Zdravstvo

Short Description and Goal

The project “Construction of a network of cross-border health services” aims at improving the use and the performance of social-health services within the cross-border territory of the EGTC GO, through a work of integration between the services and health facilities involved in the project

Detailed Description

he project contemplates the constitution of a network made up of excellences from both territories,considering the needs of the citizens and the necessity to renew the programming of the services in order to have an efficient system that will ensure the universal right to healthcare.
The project includes the establishment of three cross-border medical teams in the field of mental health, autism and physiological pregnancy and the creation of a single centre for the booking of social and health services shared by Italian and Slovenian health facilities.
The project contemplates also some solutions for the inclusion of disadvantaged groups in order to integrate social assistance services.
The project will be developed with the collaboration of the Slovenian Ministry of Health and the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Implementing bodies: Azienda per l’Assistenza Sanitaria n.2 “Bassa Friulana – Isontina”, Splošna bolnišnica dr.Franca Derganca Nova Gorica, Zdravstveni dom Nova Gorica, Psihiatrična Bolnišnica Idrija.


Project summary:

The project involves the establishment of joint cross-border medical teams in the field of mental health, autism and normal pregnancy, as well as the creation, on an experimental basis, of a Single Centre for cross-border reservations. In the perspective of integration with the social-assistance sphere, the project dedicates a pilot action to cross-border services and interventions for the inclusion of vulnerable groups in the population.

1. CUP: cross border health services;

2. Mental health: publication of the call for projects “individual health budget”, cross-border agreement and training course for workers who are not responsible for mental health issues;

3. Autism: training course on the ESDM method, medical protocol for the treatment of autistic children and adaptation of rooms in Gorizia for the operation of integrated teams;

4. Normal pregnancy: cross-border agreement;

5. Social inclusion: training event, three thematic workshops and start of work for the construction of an info-point in Gorizia.

Resources This Project Needed

(01.04.2017- 31-03-2021, 5.000.000 Euro)

Initiated by

  • European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation "Territory of municipalities: Comune di Gorizia (I), Mestna občina Nova Gorica (Slo) and Občina Šempeter-Vrtojba (Slo)"

Initiators are

• Public institution

Funded by

• Foundations
• Federal or State Funds

Project Website(s)

Social Media Link(s)

Contact Info

Project Topics

Border Cities, Health Care, Inclusion & Welfare, Public Services & Administration

Level / Project Complexity /


Participating Cities

  • Comune di Gorizia
  • Mestna občina Nova Gorica
  • Občina Šempeter-Vrtojba

Sizes of Participating Cities

• 5.000 - 20.000

Participating Countries

  • Italy
  • Slovenia

Project Region(s)

• Europe

Media Credits

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