Project Details
Gemeinsam gegen Gewalt an Frauen
Short Description and Goal
Freudenstadt and Courbevoie aimed their “Gemeinsam gegen Gewalt an Frauen” (german for “Together versus violence against women”) project to sensitize the public and develop competences in combating violence against women. Twinning cities want to show that the German-French friendship and cohesion within the meaning of the European Spirit, nations and constraints can help in eliminating violence against women.
Detailed Description
“Freudenstadt and Courbevoie together versus violence against women – a city partnership initiative for Europe”.
Under this motto, both cities, which celebrate the 60th birthday of their German-French twiining partnership, are committed to a sensitization campaign, unfortunately still everyday theme, which may no longer be overlooked.
The German-French event will happen in Freudenstadt on Thursday, November 25, 2021 (topic film in Subiaco Omu) and Saturday, November 27, 2021 (main event and inauguration of the exhibition). It is supported by
- the Ministry of Justice and for Europe Baden-Württemberg in the context of the German EU Council Presidency,
- the women’s aid Courbevoie and Freudenstadt,
- the students of Kepler-Gymnasium.
The program of events will include:
- Exhibition “à travers Elles” in German and French (premiere in Germany)
- Students workshop (documentation and theater staging),
- Podium discussion with “Women Help” organisations of Freudenstadt and Courbevoie,
- Lecture by Rainer Wieland MDEP, theme film OMU (French / German) with discussion.
The event was postponed Corona-conditioned on the 25th and 27.11.2021 from an earlier date in 2020.
For the International Day “Against Violence on Women” on November 25, 2020, the organisers exhibited pictures by French photographer Carole Mathieu Castelli with the title “A Travers Elles” (“Through them” in French) in the form of a digital exhibition. Famous French actresses internalize emotional sequences that are activated in the unbearable process of violence. The pictures are artful and expressive. Thus, they call for a dialogue about the problem and the condemnation of any violence of women.
The exhibition “A Travers Elles” (Copyright Carole Mathieu Castelli / Makam Films) has emerged in favor of the auxiliary association FNSF Fédération National Solidarité Femmes. It is available on the project page:
Initiated by
- Ministerium der Justiz und für Europa Baden-Württemberg.
Initiators are
Funded by
Project Website(s)
Project Topics
Level / Project Complexity /
Participating Cities
- Freudenstadt
- Courbevoie
Sizes of Participating Cities
Participating Countries
- Germany
- France
Project Region(s)
Media Credits
Cover picture credits: Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash