Project Details

EdTWIN–Education Twinning for European Citizenship

Short Description and Goal

Reducing prejudices amongst youngsters and fostering skills and competences needed for the Central European labour market – that is the aim of EdTwIN, a unique educational twinning programme in Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.

Detailed Description

Started as a small initiative of a Viennese School Institute in 1995, the project has evolved into major framework cooperation between students, teachers and inspertors of four countries.

Although Hungary, the Czech Republic, Austria and Slovakia have an important common history, few citizens have a thorough understanding of their neighbours, and the differences between education standards are apparent. Until 1918, these four countries had no barriers, making way for a common labour market in the region. with the age of communism, Hungary and former Czechoslovakia lived in complete isolation for two generations. Today, the standard of living is still higher in Austria than in these three surrounding countries. However, through the cooperation supported, among others, by the EU funding for territorial cooperation programmes, the CENTROPE region is emerging as an ever-evolving central European region.

By creating opportunities for children to meet, fostering skills to regain a dynamic regional market, EdTwIN is set to change the situation. Based on five key competences identified through a study, the programme fosters skills in the domains of communication, intercultural, strategic, knowledge and social competences.

Results speak for themselves; the teachers are enthusiastic and the pupils happy to get to know more about their neighbour and foster their new skills. Teachers, academics and pupils can only hope for one thing: to keep the adventure going.

Resources This Project Needed

BUDGET: €2 200 000


PROjECT DURATION: January 2008–December 2011

Support provided through the Austria–Hungary, Austria–Czech Republic and Austria–Slovakia territorial cooperation programmes 2007–13


The BildungsRaum Centrope (BiC) is a visible sign of the EdTWIN project on Auerspergstraße 7 in Vienna. Language workshops (Czech / Hungarian / Slovak) for schoolchildren (age group 15 to 19 years) and language courses for education professionals as well as events and further training for teachers from the neighboring regions take place here.

The BiC should also give an insight into cultural activities in the Centrope region and provide information about tourism and advanced courses.

Registration for the language workshops for schoolchildren is handled by the relevant state school inspectors (vocational and general secondary schools), who inform the Europe Office of the schools interested in them in June.

Contact person for the organization of the courses (after notification by the LSI) is Ms. Jennifer Fuhrmann.

Initiated by

  • Europa Büro des Stadtschulrats für Wien, AT
  • Bratislavský Samosprávný Kraj, SK
  • Středisko služeb školám, Brno, CZ
  • Nyugat-Magyarországi Egyetem Apáczai Csere János Kar, Györ, HU

Initiators are

• Public institution

Funded by

• Municipality
• Federal or State Funds

Project Website(s)

Contact Info

Bratilavský Samospravný Kraj

Sabinovská 16
P.O. Box 106
820 05 Bratislava 25
Slovenská republika

Mgr. Jana Zápalová, Projektleitung

Europa Büro des Stadtschulrats für Wien

Auerspergstraße 15/2. Stock/Tür 22
1080 Wien
Tel: 0043-1-525 25 / 77 082
Fax: 0041-1-403 44 27

FI Stuart Simpson, Projektleitung EdTWIN
Mag. Denisa Papánková, Projektassistenz EdTWIN
Mag. Petra Feichtinger, Projektkoordination EdTWIN
Szilvia Mentsik, Projektassistenz EdTWIN
Jennifer Fuhrmann, Koordination BildungsRaum Centrope

Nyugat-Magyarországi Egyetem,
Apáczai Csere János Kar

Türr Istvan út. 5
9022 Györ


Dr. Sándor Cseh, Projektleitung EdTWIN
Dr. Ildikó Lorincz, stv. Projektleitung EdTWIN
Görcsné Dr. Muzsai Viktória Ph.D. , Projektkoordination
Dr. Magdolna Szilágyi, stv. Projektkoordination
Valeria Vadász Jenoné, Finanzmanagement

Středisko služeb školám

Hybešova 15
602 00 Brno
Česká republika

PaedDr. Věra Hlavsová, Projektleitung EdTWIN
PhDr. Zuzana Sniegoňová, Projektkoordination
Ing. Michal Slezák, Projektassistenz

Project Topics

Education, Inclusion & Welfare, Young People

Level / Project Complexity /


Participating Cities

  • Wien
  • Brno
  • Bratislava
  • Győr

Sizes of Participating Cities

• 100.000 - 500.000
• 500.000 - 1,5 Mio
• more than 1,5 Mio

Participating Countries

  • Austria
  • Czech Republic
  • Slovakia
  • Hungary

Project Region(s)

• Europe

Media Credits

Cover photo:

Edtwin logo, source: