Project Details

Eat, Eat, Eat Fest!

Short Description and Goal

Eat, Eat, Eat Festival features culinary talent from all Leipzig’s twin cities!

Detailed Description

As the name suggests, the Eat, Eat, Eat festival combines culture and cuisine to deliver some of the best culinary delights from all cities connected to Leipzig. The event, which took place on the horse track Scheibenholz, featured many local delicacies, regional specialties, live music from all of the Leipzig’s ‘Twin Cities’ including a special theatrical performance from the bands of the Flying Music Circus. The main attraction was the ‘Central Indulgence Mile’ where chefs and caterers from all of Lepizig’s sister cities delivered culinary insights into the unique cuisine of their lands.

In 2017 the event was organised again with a new focus. In addition to international cuisine, the themes of regionality and fair trade became central. The discovery days took the visitors to where the regional foods come from: numerous farm tours, field days and excursions, harvest operations and workshops as well as lectures on global food policy and fair trade took place.

Initiated by

  • The Blues Agency, Stadt Leipzig
  • Flying Music Circus

Initiators are

• Public institution

Project Website(s)

Contact Info

Blues Agency-Veranstaltungen GmbH
Kantstr. 23
04275 Leipzig
Tel. +49-(0)341-30 37 300
Fax +49-(0)341-30 37 333

Leipzig Grün-Netzwerk für Stadtkultur
vertreten durch culturtraeger
Gabelsbergerstr. 1a
04317 Leipzig
Tel. +49-(0)341-141650

Project Topics

Arts & Culture

Level / Project Complexity /


Participating Cities

  • Leipzig

Sizes of Participating Cities

• 500.000 - 1,5 Mio

Participating Countries

  • Germany

Project Region(s)

• Europe

Media Credits

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo from Pexels