Project Details


Short Description and Goal

Development of migrants’ knowledge of the local labor market, DEKOLLA, is an EU project within Erasmus + for a strategic partnership in adult education between actors in Sweden, Germany and Italy.

Detailed Description

Getting integrated in a new society can be a very long process if the receiving country doesn’t have a good structure to meet the needs of the newly arrived. Many immigrants, for different reasons, find it difficult to integrate in the labor market and/or in the society and the current refugee situation make that challenge even bigger. Substainable structures in different integration actions (as education and training) have to be set up in order to identify and reduce the barriers for participation. This can be possible  through the structuring of informal channels that can lead newly arrived people to learn more about the local labour market and the local business environment.
The project main focus will be on providing the informal educators new skills and competences to develop more effective ways through which engaging both the migrants and the local business community.  An easier and more accessible learning process is supposed to lead to a faster inclusion in the local economic context.

More information on the legal system providing a complex framework of assistance to asylum seekers and refugees  in the three different countries involved in the project:

Basic information on legal system Germany

Basic information on legal system in Italy

Legal System Sweden


The main objective of the project is to develop innovative strategies to involve the business community in the inclusion of migrants in local society.

In particular, the specific objectives are:
1. To create networks between migrants and businesses
2. To increase the recruitment base for local companies
3. To increase knowledge and awareness about the dynamics of the local business environment and labor market

These objectives will be pursued through the involvement of:

Informal trainers for newly arrived people with different ethnical background, asylum seekers and refugees.
Civil Servants in local authorities
Business community representatives
Refugees and asylum seekers


The partnership has identified the following set of activities in order to achieve the objective of the project.

1) Coordination meetings aimed at defining the activities of the project in details. These meetings will be useful to evaluate the results and eventually correct any critical issues.

2) organization of 2 joint staff training events on:
1. Communication tools to inform refugees, asylum seekers and migrants
2. Integrating refugees in the job market and the support networks

3) Organization of two seminars at local level.

An intense dissemination activity will be carried out in parallel to stakeholders and aimed at transferring the practices exchanged. A dissemination seminar will be arranged in each country to engage stakeholders and involve them in a testing phase.

4) Final presentation of innovative practices developed on the basis of the practices tested in the previous phase.


Project Website(s)

Social Media Link(s)

Contact Info

Project Topics

Business, Civil Society, Education, Inclusion & Welfare, Public Services & Administration

Level / Project Complexity /


Participating Countries

  • Sweden
  • Italy
  • Germany

Project Region(s)

• Europe

Media Credits

Photo by William Fortunato from Pexels