Project Details
Short Description and Goal
3land is a large-scale town planning project between Basel, Huningue, and Weil-am-Rhein. The aim is to define together, and in a coordinated manner, the urban development of the new “Dreiländereck” district located at the heart of the tri-national conurbation alongside the Rhine.
Detailed Description
3Land is a town-planning project regarding a district on the Rhine, spreading across 82 hectares, between the French, Swiss and German territories. It is made up of the cities of Huninge (FR), Weil am Rhein (DE), and the Canton of Basel-city, and includes the Communauté de Communes des Trois Frontières (CC3F) (Urban Community of the Three Borders) and the General Council of Haut Rhin. The project is about the development of the area around the “three borders” site, between the bridges of Dreirosen and Palmrain at the heart of Basel’s tri-national conurbation. It is structured to be able of accommodating 10,000 new inhabitants and 13,000 jobs.
One of the first concrete successes of this project is the construction of a new bridge on the Rhine between Basel and Huningue. Construction works will be launched in 2020.
In this project, the Rhine is regarded as a shared identity for the district. The project planning is compliant with the following sustainable development principles:
– extending green spaces thanks to urban parks and “green corridors”
– promoting alternative means of transport, rather than the private vehicle
– restoring the balance of urban tasks between the three cities.
The project 3Land set up five working groups responsible for publishing a series of preliminary studies, as well as a communications strategy.
- Soil use and connection strategy
- Preliminary studies for building a new bridge between France and Switzerland, and a new footbridge between the western wharf island and the Wiese mouth.
- Analysis of the project’s economic viability in a trinational context.
- Creation of a general master plan for the new district
- Communications strategy on a trinational level
Initiated by
- Trinational Eurodistrict Basel
- Haut-Rhin Department
- The Communauté de Communes des Trois Frontières (CC3F) (Urban Community of the Three Borders)
Initiators are
Funded by
Contact Info
Project Topics
Level / Project Complexity /
Participating Cities
- Huningue
- Weil am Rhein
- Canton of Basel
Sizes of Participating Cities
• 20.000 - 100.000
• 100.000 - 500.000
Participating Countries
- Germany
- France
- Switzerland
Project Region(s)
Media Credits
Project duration: Launched in 2013
Total cost: €700,000
EU funding €225,000